Area Codes in Mexico :

Phone numbers in Mexico
are preceded by the +52 country code for Mexico if you call from outside the country (international)

They are preceded by 0 if you call from inside the country (national)

(+52 is part of World Telecom Zone +5 Latin America)

Mexico has an closed phonesystem
Numbers are always 10 digits long
+52 xxx xxx xxx

Mobil numbers in Mexico
+52 1

Area Codes for Regions of Mexico

East of Mexico +52 2
West of Mexico +52 3
North of Mexico +52 4
Center of Mexico +52 5
Northwest of Mexico +52 6
South of Mexico +52 7
Northeast of Mexico +52 8
Southeast of Mexico +52 9

Area Codes for main cities of Mexico

while larger cities have a shorter area code
and a longer subscriber number
smaller cities have a longer area code
and a shorter subscriber number

Acapulco Guerrero +52 744
Aguascalientes Aguascalientes +52 449
Cancun Quintana Roo +52 998
Chihuahua Chihuahua +52 614
Ciudad Juarez Chihuahua +52 656
Ciudad Neza Mexico State +52 55
Culiacan Sinaloa +52 667
Durango Durango +52 618
Ecatepec Mexico State +52 55
Ensenada Baja California +52 646
Guadalajara Jalisco +52 33
Guadalupe Nuevo Leon +52 81
Hermosillo Sonora +52 662
Leon Guanajuato +52 477
Merida Yucatan +52 999
Mexicali Baja California +52 686
Mexico City Federal District +52 55
Monterrey Nuevo Leon +52 81
Puebla Puebla +52 222
Saltillo Coahuila +52 844
Reynosa Tamaulipas +52 899
San Luis Potosi San Luis Potosi +52 444
Tijuana Baja California +52 664
Veracruz Veracruz +52 229
Zapopan Jalisco +52 33

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